What is a residence permit receipt?
When you apply for a residence permit in France, you will often receive a document called “Receipt of residence permit”. This temporary document is crucial for people waiting for their permanent residence permit. But in practice, what is a residence permit receipt and what is it used for ❓
➡️ A provisional document pending the residence permit
This document is a provisional document issued by the prefecture when you have submitted an initial application for a residence permit, an application for renewal or a change in your situation. This receipt certifies that your file is being processed and allows you to remain in a regular situation on French territory until the final decision is made.
➡️ The rights granted by the receipt
It gives you several important rights, even if it is not a residence permit itself. Depending on your situation, it can enable you to:
Legally reside in France ✔️ : The receipt allows you to stay in France while your application is being considered.
Working ✔️: In some cases, the document is marked “authorizes its holder to work”, which allows you to continue or start a professional activity. It is essential to check this, as not all receipts allow it.
However, it does not allow you to travel❌ . Although the receipt is an important document, it does not replace the residence permit for travel abroad. You may encounter difficulties when traveling outside of France with a receipt, especially if your initial visa is no longer valid.
➡️How long is a receipt valid? Can I renew it?
The receipt is generally valid for a period of three or six months. If your residence permit is not yet available at the expiry of your receipt, you can request a renewal. The renewal is also done with the prefecture, and it is important not to wait until the last minute to undertake this process, in order to avoid any irregular situation.
➡️What to do if the receipt expires before the residence permit is issued?
Your receipt may expire before you receive your final residence permit. In this case, it is crucial to go to the prefecture to request a renewal of the receipt. As long as your application for a residence permit is being processed and you respect the deadlines to request the renewal of the receipt, you remain in a legal situation in France. ✅
If you have any additional questions or need help with your administrative procedures, please do not hesitate to contact the ICI ADMIN team. We are here to help!
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