Waiting times of administrative applications in prefectures of Île-de-France
Obtaining or renewing a residence permit, applying for naturalization or performing other administrative procedures in the Île-de-France can sometimes be long and complex.🚨 Waiting times vary depending on the prefecture, the nature of your request and the quality of your file. Below is an overview of current timelines for different types of procedures.
1. Application for a residence permit
➡️If you apply for a residence permit, the prefecture has a minimum waiting time of 6 months. This time limit may be longer depending on the complexity of your case and the prefecture concerned.
2. Application for naturalization
➡️The naturalization process takes longer. The time frame varies between 12 and 18 months waiting time, depending on administrative workload and required audits.
3. Family reunification
➡️For family reunification, the waiting periods are between 6 and 12 months. Again, the prefecture and specificity of your file can influence the length.
4. Renewal of residence permit
➡️The renewal of a residence permit is usually quicker. The deadline should be 1 to 3 months, provided that the file is complete and in order.
5. Visa application
Short-stay visa: For a short-stay visa, the delays are fairly quick, from a few days to 3 weeks.
Long-stay visa: For a long-stay visa, the time limits can vary from 1 to 3 months.
6. Change of status
➡️ If you wish to change status (for example, from a student visa to a work visa), you must allow a waiting period of 2 to 4 months.
7. Administrative appeal
➡️If you apply for a residence permit, it is usually necessary to wait a minimum of 6 months. This time may be longer depending on the complexity of your case and the
➡️ In case of appeal against a decision of the prefecture, the administration has a period of 2 months to reply.
It is important to note that all these delays may be extended due to various factors, whether external or internal to the prefecture. Our experts are at your disposal to follow up on your case, plan the best appointments and keep you informed in order to optimize your time. Please contact us for more information: https://www.iciadmin.fr/contact/