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formation de français

How can I finance my French courses?

Several financing solutions exist for French language training, depending on your situation and needs. The main players who can help you, in France, are:

France travail ✔️ : If you are registered as a job seeker, Pôle Emploi offers grants to finance training courses, including in French. Depending on your background and project, you could benefit from the program «Operational Preparation for Employment» (POE) or the device «Training Action Conventionnée» (AFC). For more information:

Training Personnel Account (CPF) ✔️: In France, each employee or job seeker accumulates training rights via the CPF. You can use these credits to finance French courses, whether you are employed, self-employed or looking for a job. Our French courses are eligible to be funded by CPF so do not hesitate! For more information:

Employers ✔️ : Some companies finance training in French for their employees as part of skills development or integration. If you are already employed in France, do not hesitate to talk to your employer, because he may be willing to finance our DELF and TCF preparation courses as part of his training plan.

Regional and municipal organizations ✔️: Some regions, cities or departments offer specific support for training in French to newcomers or people in a situation of integration. These funds may vary by region.

Government grants and programs ✔️ : The government offers grants and programs to support French language learning for newcomers. Government-funded “language courses for foreigners” may be an option for eligible individuals.

Depending on your situation, one or more of these solutions can be combined to help you finance our French courses certified by Qualiopi. We offer training to facilitate the integration of foreign workers in France. We support you to maximize your chances of success in the TCF test and the DELF exam, which will certify your level of French. 🤝

If you have any questions or would like to register for our TCF and DELF French courses, just click here  ➡️

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